Pop Up Gaeltacht
Join us at the ICC for a Pop Up Gaeltacht on Thursday, March 16 from 6–8 pm with Fulbright Irish language instructor Emer Maguire and Conradh na Gaeilge Iarthar MA. Practice your cúpla focail just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. We are taking part in the international Seachtain na Gaeilge festival, the biggest celebration of the Irish language across the world which takes place March 1–17 each year.
Open to anyone with an interest in the Irish language, regardless of level or ability. This is a great opportunity for people of all levels to come together and speak or listen to the Irish language with friends. Come join us – there will be caint, comhrá agus craic. Everyone is welcome – tá fáilte roimh chách!
Contact Emer Maguire to let us know you are coming or if you have any questions: maguiree@elms.edu.
The Irish House Restaurant and Trinity Pub is open from 4–10 pm (kitchen closes at 9 pm). View our St. Patrick’s Week menu. We encourage you to make a reservation if you would like to join us for dinner – please call 413-342-4358.