Exhibition: Commemoration of the Easter Rising of 1916
The History and Art Departments at Elms College are producing the exhibition “Of Terrible and Splendid Things: A Commemoration of the Easter Rising of 1916.” The exhibition marks the centenary of the Easter Rising as a pivotal event in modern Irish history, leading to the creation of a modern Irish state that ultimately achieved independence from the British Empire. Curated by Elms faculty and students, the exhibition uses photographs, memorabilia and other documents to explore the context of the Rising and its impact, both in Ireland and here, in the Irish-American communities of Western Massachusetts.
The exhibition is open daily (excluding college holidays) from March 7 – 31 in the Borgia Gallery (Dooley Campus Center) at Elms College, from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Please join us for a Gallery Opening Reception on March 21, from 5:00 – 8:00 pm.
The event has received generous support from both the Irish Cultural Center of Western New England and the Ancient Order of Hibernians, James A. Curran Division 1.