Pádraig Ó hÉigeartaigh, or Patrick F. Hagerty, was a Gaelic poet and scholar from Cleveland Street in Springfield, MA. In August 1905, he wrote a lament for his six year old son who fell into the old Lombard reservoir on his way home from school and drowned. ‘Ochón, a Dhonncha/Lament for Donncha’ is one of the most anthologised poems in the Irish language and is studied by students in Ireland in schools and universities. Despite the recognition which has been given to his poem, until recently, little was know about Hagerty’s life. This presentation will discuss how Hagerty learned to read and write Irish in the States, how he passed on the language to his children, and delivered Irish languages classes in Springfield, Chicopee Falls, Hartford and Worcester. The presentation will also shed light on the Gaelic Feis of Springfield, which ran from 1904 to the 1920s and was the first and most successful of its kind in the United States.

Síobhra Aiken, former Irish Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant at Elms College, will present her latest research on Patrick Hagerty’s life on Wednesday, June 1 at 7:00 pm in the Library Theater at Elms College. Free and open to the public.

Síobhra is also seeking support from the community for her research. If anyone has any information about the Springfield Feis or the Springfield Irish Language Society, she would love to hear from you! The Irish Language Society also published booklets and magazines in the Irish language in the 1900s. This is quite a rare occurrence in the US, but unfortunately no copies of these magazines remain. If anyone has any copies of any material like this, Síobhra would love to hear from you! You can contact her at: siobhraa@gmail.com

*Please note* We have had to postpone this bus trip. It will be rescheduled for sometime this fall. Please stay tuned for further notice – we appreciate your interest!


The Irish Cultural Center is sponsoring a bus trip to Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT. The museum contains the world’s largest collection of Great Hunger-related art by noted contemporary Irish and Irish American artists, as well as a number of period paintings by some of Ireland’s most important 19th-century artists. We will be stopping for lunch at the Playwright Irish Pub in Hamden, CT after the museum visit.

Cost is $45 for ICC members and $48 for non-members. The price is all-inclusive (bus, lunch, tax and gratuities). The bus will depart from Elms College at 9:30 am from the Sheila Ryan Flynn Parking Lot on the corner of Springfield Street and Fairview Avenue in Chicopee, MA (near the traffic lights). Bus will depart from the museum at 2:00 pm for lunch, and we will arrive back at Elms College between 5:00 and 6:00 pm.

For information, call the ICC at 413-265-2537 or email irishcenter@elms.edu.

Great Hunger Museum

In the West of Ireland. Grace Henry (1868−1953). Oil on canvas.

Pass on the Heritage | July 25 –29, 2016 | Download a registration form.

Celtic Adventures for Kids is a week-long program designed to give children in Grades 1 through 9 an introduction to the richness of Irish culture, through the auspices of the Irish Cultural Center of Western New England and Elms College. Space is limited. Sign up early!

Daily Activities Include:
– Irish language
– Irish dance
– Irish music
– Arts & crafts
– Storytelling/literature
– Games

What to bring: Sneakers with non-marking soles; soft dance shoes if your child has them; swimsuit and towel; lunch (optional: money to purchase snacks.) The Maguire Center swimming pool will be available for the children to use daily during the week; lifeguard is on duty.

The program is in session from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Participants should be dropped off between 8:45 and 9:00 am at the Maguire Center at Elms College. Pick up is promptly at 3:00 pm at the Maguire Center.

WHEN: Monday, July 25 to Friday, July 29, 2016
WHERE: The Maguire Center at Elms College, Chicopee, MA
COST: $200 per child; $20 discount for Irish Cultural Center members; $20 discount for each additional child from the same family
NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT: $50 with registration due ASAP

Download a registration form.

Celtic Adventures for Kids

The Irish Cultural Center of Western New England will hold its fifteenth Lá na Gaeilge (Irish Language Day) on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at Elms College in Chicopee, MA. It is an opportunity for those with an interest in this ancient language, which is now enjoying a resurgence, to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of this vital component of Irish culture. The program consists of two classes available at four levels: a beginner’s class, a class for those who have an introductory knowledge of Irish, an intermediate-level class and a class for advanced learners. Download a registration form.

This year’s theme is the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising (Éirí Amach na Cásca), an armed insurrection for independence from British rule which took place in Ireland during Easter week, 1916.

As well as formal classes, Lá na Gaeilge consists of workshops (one on Tin Whistle, another on Dance), and Cómhrás (opportunities for conversation and dialog at the learner’s appropriate level).  A keynote address will be given by Dr. Thomas Moriarty, retired history professor at Elms College, on the 1916 uprising. Also participating will be Síle Dolan, of Cloghan, County Offaly, this year’s Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant, who is teaching introductory and intermediate level Irish at Elms College. Lá na Gaeilge concludes in a seisiún with an opportunity for participants to display their musical talents, and all are encouraged to bring their instruments and voices.

Lá na Gaeilge begins with registration at 8:30 am and concludes at about 5:00 pm. The cost is $50 per person, and $40 for ICC members. The cost for college-age and under students is $15. The price includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day. Lá na Gaeilge is a unique opportunity to encourage and promote Irish language learning at all levels. Registrations are due by April 25please download a registration form. For further information contact the ICC office at 413-265-2537 or email at irishcenter@elms.edu.

Irish Language Day

The History and Art Departments at Elms College are producing the exhibition “Of Terrible and Splendid Things: A Commemoration of the Easter Rising of 1916.” The exhibition marks the centenary of the Easter Rising as a pivotal event in modern Irish history, leading to the creation of a modern Irish state that ultimately achieved independence from the British Empire. Curated by Elms faculty and students, the exhibition uses photographs, memorabilia and other documents to explore the context of the Rising and its impact, both in Ireland and here, in the Irish-American communities of Western Massachusetts.

The exhibition is open daily (excluding college holidays) from March 7 – 31 in the Borgia Gallery (Dooley Campus Center) at Elms College, from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Please join us for a Gallery Opening Reception on March 21, from 5:00 – 8:00 pm.

The event has received generous support from both the Irish Cultural Center of Western New England and the Ancient Order of Hibernians, James A. Curran Division 1.

Exhibition: Commemoration of Easter Rising 1916

Walk proudly with us behind the ICC banner in the Holyoke St. Patrick’s Parade on Sunday, March 20! We invite all our members and friends to join us as we march with the West Springfield contingent this year, to celebrate our upcoming move to our new location.

RSVP to irishcenter@elms.edu or 413-265-2537. Please let us know if you would like to march, to make sure you receive more detailed information such as meeting time, etc. as we organize for this celebration of all things Irish.

Parade Details
The parade is a 2.9 mile walk through Holyoke. We will meet at the K-Mart parking lot on Route 5, Northampton Street, Holyoke, the morning of March 20. The parade will start at the parking lot just before noon, and ends at Holyoke City Hall. Marchers should arrange for their transportation at the end of the parade. We will be wearing our Irish sweaters or green jackets, with dark trousers.

This year’s parade promises to be another outstanding one. The Holyoke St. Patrick’s Parade is the second largest in the country, with 200,000 onlookers regularly lining the parade route, and a total audience of 400,000. Learn more.

The ICC thanks the Chicopee Parade Committee for all the years of friendship and hospitality that they have shown our organization.

The Irish Cultural Center is partnering with the high schools of West Springfield, MA and Dingle, Ireland to cooperatively conduct an exciting educational and cultural exchange program between our two countries.

This year’s arrangement for the exchange program is sending West Springfield High School students to the Dingle Peninsula in April.

Twenty three young women in 10th and 11th grade at West Springfield High will participate in this unique experience, in the program’s second year.

The cohort of students will be traveling to the Dingle Peninsula along with trip chaperones, visiting many Irish  locations over their April vacation, such as the Blasket Islands, Blarney Castle, Limerick, Killarney Castle, and more. While in Dingle, the students will stay with host families who will provide a taste of Irish culture, including hiking, boat tours, local foods, and pottery making.

Many of their hosts are families of Dingle students who visited Springfield last year, the first year of this cultural exchange. The students were on a basketball team, many of them musically talented, and had the chance to experience Irish culture in our western MA community, and to take part in cultural and athletic activities.

The West Springfield students traveling to Ireland this year have a broad array of talents. Some are athletes as well, and will have the chance to take part in sporting events in Dingle. All of the students in this well-rounded educational exchange program will be able to experience the culture of Ireland, the arts, music, history, and daily life.

With the visit of the Dingle students last year being such a positive experience, the idea of an exchange program with the two communities was developed. The ICC is a proud co-sponsor of this endeavor, which supports our mission of cultivating a connection with Ireland, through the arts, culture, history, and education.

For many of the students, this is their first time flying and visiting another country. The opportunity to experience Ireland first-hand on such a personal level will be the adventure of a lifetime. National Geographic Magazine lists the Dingle Peninsula as one of the most beautiful places on earth. West Springfield High will be launching fundraising activities for this 10-day trip, with more information to come.

We are excited to report that we are making significant progress in the redesign and refurbishment of the Irish Cultural Center’s new facility at 429 Morgan Road in West Springfield. The former Elks Lodge property has been leased to us by the City of West Springfield for 20 years. The 10,000 square foot building and 9.8 acres of land will allow the ICC to expand our program offerings for our members and for the overall community. We are on track to move into the administrative offices by the beginning of March.

The refurbishment of the building and grounds is taking place in two phases. Phase One includes the main level, including meeting area, entry lobby and offices, the Traditional Irish Pub, outdoor deck, parking lot, athletic field, and nature trail. Completed work includes upgrades to the heating and AC systems, plumbing, electrical wiring, carpentry, and painting. The building project is coming together quite nicely, including fresh paint, flooring and furnishings now being completed.

Phase Two will follow later, and will include the upstairs Performance Center and Lecture Hall, and the Cultural Center Museum and Library with genealogy research resources center.

The ICC will soon be launching a capital campaign to raise funds for the capital improvements required for Phase One and Phase Two; the funds will be used to refurbish and furnish the facility. The Irish Cultural Center is moving forward, expanding our event offerings, travel trips to Ireland, community outreach and member benefits, thus fulfilling our promise of keeping the Irish arts alive.

Our 2016 Membership Campaign is now in full swing! Please download and return our renewal form. Or, you can easily join online using PayPal. I encourage you to help the ICC grow its membership; seek out a friend or family member and ask them to join.

We value our members and thank you for your support; we want you to be part of this future process with us. Please visit our website, subscribe to our emails, and join our Facebook page, for updates and photos posted throughout this exciting transition.

On behalf of the ICC Board of Directors,
Sean F. Cahillane
Irish Cultural Center of Western New England

Irish Cultural Center building

Design renderings for the new building, sunset, and the board of directors.

House of HamillThe Irish Cultural Center invites you to an afternoon of Irish fiddle and folk music with the group House of Hamill, comprised of Brian Buchanan (of Enter the Haggis), and Rose Baldino (of Burning Bridget Cleary). This duo proved extremely popular in their last appearance for the ICC. Their intimate, relaxed performance will include trad Irish sets and songs, and original compositions.

House of Hamill will perform on Saturday, February 20 at 3:00 pm at the Collegian Court Restaurant, 89 Park Street in Chicopee, MA.

Tickets are limited for this intimate event. Advance purchase by February 18 is recommended. Cost is $15 for ICC members, and $18 for non-members. Tickets are available online or by calling the ICC at 413-265-2537.

You may purchase food and drinks at the Collegian Court during the show. Parking is available in the Collegian Court lot, on street, and at the Center Street Chicopee Savings Bank, which is a short walk across the street to the restaurant. Please note the direction of one-way streets when planning your visit.

About House of Hamill

In 2014, Brian joined Rose onstage at the Folk Alliance conference in Kansas City. The two performed with virtually no rehearsal for over an hour, and their connection was powerful and immediate. A few months later Brian moved from Canada to Philadelphia, and as a tribute to the first tune Rose ever taught to Brian, House of Hamill was born.

Brian and Rose are both accomplished traditional fiddle players and classical violinists, and have over 25 years of writing and performance experience between them. Together, they write unusual new fiddle tunes while also breathing new life into traditional and contemporary songs. Both are confident and unique lead vocalists, and the blend of their two voices in harmony is hypnotic and irresistible.

Whether House of Hamill is covering one of their favorite songs in a new way or stomping through a set of original jigs and reels, their chemistry onstage is always engaging and often hilarious. You’ll leave with tired feet, a huge smile, and a new appreciation for the versatility of folk instruments in a modern context.

All sales are final. Refunds are given ONLY in the event of cancellation by performers.

The Elders

Buy tickets for The Elders
Back by popular demand! The Irish Cultural Center invites you to an evening with The Elders, one of the most critically acclaimed American Celtic folk rock groups touring today, as they return to western MA.

WHEN: Saturday, April 9, 2016
WHERE: Portuguese American Club, 149 Exchange Street, Chicopee, MA. Get directions.
TIME: The Elders take the stage at 8:00 pm. Doors open at 7:00 pm.
TICKETS: Advance tickets $25 / ICC members advance tickets $22
All tickets $30 at the door. General admission, table seating.

Tickets are available online, or by calling the ICC at 413-265-2537. Don’t miss this opportunity to see The Elders in a rare return to the Pioneer Valley – get your tickets today. A cash bar will be open, and there’s plenty of parking at the Club.

They have performed across the United States, Ireland, and Europe, drawing faithful crowds and earning new fans wherever they go. They first played for the ICC last fall to a full house, creating new fans from a very enthusiastic crowd. We heard several comments from people that it was the best show they had ever seen. *Note: phone orders will end on April 7, and online ordering will close at 9:00 am on April 9.*

Watch videos, listen to tracks and learn more about The Elders.  See what the critics say.

About The Elders
Since forming in 1998 in Kansas City, The Elders have set the music scene on its ear, thanks to a skillful blend of American roots rock and amped-up Celtic folk; a cross-pollination of elements that is high-octane and progressive, yet rooted in tradition.

Employing a variety of instruments including guitars, drums, banjo, accordion, mandolin, piano and fiddle, these six artists collectively create music that transcends the stereotypical notion of Celtic music. Powerful four part harmonies, blazing instrumentals and song writing that is unaffected by fads, trends and the giant maw of mind-numbing commercialism.

The Elders are fronted by vocalist and percussionist Ian Byrne, a native of Ireland’s County Wicklow, with guitarist Steve Phillips, bassist Norm Dahlor, keyboardist and fiddler Brent Hoad, drummer Kian Byrne, and fiddler Diana Ladio. To date, The Elders have produced 7 full-length studio CDs and 3 live CD/DVDs.

Their songs are mystical, comical, political and cultural, while covering a wide variety of topics such as poverty, civil war, family bonds, spirituality, love and friendship. They tell us stories of people, places and events – some recent, some distant, some real and some imagined.

Thanks to our Sponsors:

Chicopee Savings

Kathleen Doe Creative Design

Dr. Megan Doe

Congressman Richard Neal




Mary Ellen O'Brien

Mary Ellen Lowney and Sean Cahillane

City Line Cafe




Sullivan Keating Moran Insurance




All sales are final. Refunds are given ONLY in the event of cancellation by performers.